Friday, May 23, 2014

Memorial Day

It seems that every year I get all worked up about Memorial Day. The news media, as well
as online social media, always seem to be filled with confusion about what Memorial Day is all about. It is not just that there are so many veterans groups that are screaming for attention, but that there is a reason that we have two holidays – Memorial Day and Veterans Day.

Memorial Day is a national holiday that began as a day of remembrance for soldiers killed from both sides in the American Civil War. It was originally called Decoration Day and folks went to cemeteries and placed flowers and small flags on the graves of family, friends, and community members that had been killed during wartime. Memorial Day is held on the last Monday in the month of May.

Veterans Day began as Armistice Day to commemorate the cessation of hostilities between the forces of the Allied nations against Germany during what was known as the Great War (later World War I). The fighting came to an end at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month of 1918. A year later, President Woodrow Wilson declared November 11, 1918 as Armistice Day. In 1938 it officially became a national holiday.

The initial intent of Armistice Day was to remember the devastation of war and the losses of life. It was meant to be a celebration of peace. In 1954, following the conflict in Korea, and after the greatest mobilization of soldiers, sailors, Marines and airmen in the Nation’s history during World War II, Congress changed the name to Veterans Day and it became a day to honor American veterans of all wars.

It is understandable that some confusion might arise from the way that these holidays have had their names and definitions evolve. However, historically, each has a clear role in calling attention to specific themes. Memorial Day is meant to honor those who have fallen while in the service of our country. Veterans Day, although inclusive of the dead, is meant to honor those that serve, or have served, with the goal of world peace.

Memorial Day has always had special meaning for me because I am named for a family
member who was killed during World War II a year before my birth. Being named for an uncle that I would never meet or know, who died as a soldier. This has always been something that I have recognized as an honor of the highest order. Although buried in the Sicily-Rome American Cemetery and Memorial in Italy, a tombstone stands in the cemetery near the family home where I grew up. Throughout my youth, it was a solemn annual event to visit the grave of this man to place a pot of geraniums and a flag. A visit to the cemetery 40 miles south of Rome remains on my personal “bucket list”.

So, if you please, rather than boisterous raving for our service men and veterans on this Memorial Day, silently reflect on the sacrifices made by so many service men who did not survive, or returned only to suffer from wounds received fighting to restore peace in a world messed up by political failure, the abuse of power, and economic inequity. "Celebrating" this holiday is a misnomer that feeds the notion that we are doing something right, or righteous. Memorial Day is a day of mourning and reflects a sadness is an absolute necessity for us to find a better way to live together peacefully.



  1. My heart goes with your words.

  2. Well stated. Those who would gain from war have wrapped the military in a false banner of red, white and blue, challenging the notion of peace and glorifying blind patriotism. I don't like the idea of "ranting for fun," but you are more than justified in airing your ire at the masters of war and the unfortunate throngs who believe those who have died have somehow given us freedom. ���� GOD BLESS THOSE FALLEN HEROS AND GOD DAMN THOSE WHO PLUNDER OUR TREASURE AND BLOOD. ����
