Back in July, Michael Moore published an article warning that Donald Trump would be our next President. Many of us take Mr. Moore only half seriously. He doesn't fit our image of what an "expert" might be, could be, or should be.
I had been making a similar argument for some time and my friends didn't seem to accept the argument. I really didn’t like their position any better.
It has been much too easy to express our outrage with Donald Trump and think that he is such a nutcase, such a buffoon, such a fool that there could be no way that the American people would vote for him. I can’t tell you how many conversations I have had over the years with educated, smart people who were privileged to have access to many great books filled with intelligent ideas and written by authors who, like them, had very little experience with working class middle Americans who are sandwiched between our glorious coastlines.
Not being charismatic, I have gotten used to not being listened to, and I don’t talk to enough people anyway to make a difference. Michael Moore, on the other hand, has a much larger sphere of influence and guess what – most did not hear his warning either. The fact is that, even if people would have heard the warning, they would not understand it. Bernie Sanders might also be mentioned here.
Chris Offutt's essay in the November edition of Harper's Magazine offers a helpful insight into some of how many American's might think. While Offutt's opinion does exhibit his bias against Donald Trump, it is essential that we learn how others might see the the very same world and understand elements of our culture that we might not consider in the same manner.
Elections have become incredibly ugly in this country, and we are quite sick of listening to all the crap. We want to sink our heads into the nearest hole to avoid it. Donald Trump, very wisely, just kept pressing the hot buttons of Democrats and they, in turn, responded with their high and mighty, righteous, intelligent disdain. Common conservative folk reacted to this and rebelled – they mustered the energy to show up at the polls hoping to bring about change – any change. They might even be willing to see what Trump can come up with after the dust (dirt) raised in the campaign has a chance to settle. Is Donald Trump as crazy as he seems, or might there be some light beneath the bluster he used to successfully win this election?

Perhaps the real solution to this problem is that we need campaign finance reform. The economic boom that is experienced by the media in terms of advertising revenue, and all the money floating around campaigns and politicians has corrupted the election process immensely. It needs to stop! There needs to be a very low, and very hard ceiling on campaign spending. Candidates need to be forced to be economical in communicating their platforms so that they cannot afford wasteful, meaningless babble (too often just bullshit or lies anyway). The media needs to take more seriously their responsibility to report on who the candidates are, what they represent, and report that information both deeply and honestly (oh sure, and how is that going to happen?).
The American people need to realize that their inflated egos, laziness, mean spiritedness, and general stupidity will not fix itself. We need to stop thinking that it is someone else that is wrong. We need to open up our minds and participate in a dialogue that does not involve an attitude of narrowly defined right and wrong. We need to learn to respect those who think differently in order to earn their respect. We have to learn to compromise with one another before we can expect our political representatives and leadership to do so. We need to lead from the ground up – our representatives need to be made to realize that their privilege to lead depends on their constituents (not the other way around) – thus, they might lead their peers in the legislature (that's what leadership is all about).
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