What comes to your mind when you hear “pulp fiction,” “pulp magazine,”
or “the pulps”? In today’s Pop Culture, the use of the term “pulp” goes far
beyond its original meaning. The Quentin Tarantino movie, Pulp Fiction (1994), might very well have been the source of

Nearly 30 years ago, some efforts were made to bring back The Black Mask magazine – it was a weak attempt to capitalize on the title of a classic “pulp” magazine. At the same time Vintage Books (imprint of Random House, Inc.) had reprinted some of the classic stories from that magazine. The strength of this literary canon must have much more to do with breeding familiarity with the term “pulp fiction” – at least for the audience that it reached.


The making of paper dates back to China around 105 AD. Paper
was originally made from rags and later bamboo fiber broken down with lye. Over
the centuries, the art and technique of making paper has evolved. Raw materials
varied regionally with rags being the most common source of fiber. Challenges came
from the quality of the raw materials, the pulping process, and surface
treatments that improved strength and finish.


Along with the development of papermaking, advances in magazine
publishing are related to improved distribution. In 1863, postage rates were streamlined into
first-, second-, and third-class rates, and in 1879, the three classes of mail
were reorganized so that magazines now enjoyed the same low postage cost as
newspapers. The highest magazine circulations climbed from 40,000 before the
Civil War to 100,000 by the end of the century.
In 1905, the post office refined the rules that defined
which publications would be recognized as magazines to eliminate such abuses as
passing off one-time advertising circulars or books as magazines and qualifying
for reduced rates. Magazines must now have a known office address, consecutive
numbering, a date of issue, an editorial focus such as literature, science,
etc., and be assembled from printed sheets without heavy covers or binding.

Munsey is credited with being the first to use new
high-speed printing presses to print on inexpensive, untrimmed, pulp paper in
order to mass-produce affordable magazines. These are what became known as “pulp”
magazines. They contained a variety of literary genres – action and adventure
fiction set in all kinds of settings – western and ranch, desert and jungle, space
and urban, high-seas and railroads. There were heroes of all kinds – foreign
legion, sports, lawmen, concerned citizens, newspapermen, scientists,
politicians, and detectives. This was literature written and published for the
common man, a new literate reader who was intelligent yet humble, the
housewife, the working class, and the professional. It was literature as
entertainment for all.
Today the usage of the term “pulp” has lost its roots but references
literary practices that were established during the era of the “pulp” magazines
– simplistic interpretations of right and wrong, strong decisive heroes, the
willingness to make sacrifices to get to the source of evil, the strength to
resist corruption, the value of principle over the temptations of money and
power, respect for the weak provided they share a moral high-ground, gritty
dialogue, and down and dirty action.
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