Thursday, August 23, 2012

Facebook Posts

I always wonder why people ask dumb questions on FB. At least a half dozen of my friends seem very confused about what they call their midday meal. Duh! Call it the "midday meal" if you want to. Who cares? Just don't call me late to eat it.

Also, people seem to have a hard time figuring out who their friends are. Duh! Who do you want to be friends with? Maybe what people really need to know is how to label their friends and then view FB post using their friend labels rather than trying to keep up with all the stuff that gets posted on their Walls.

Finally (my last rant for the day), why do people post so much political and religious nonsense? I have friends on both sides of our dysfunctional, bi-polar political thinking. Their postings, however, do nothing but annoy me. I'm not going to change my political thinking because of this stuff. I doubt that most people even follow the links, or read the crap that people post about politics. Mostly, I think, this stuff is just an ego trip for the person who posts it. They are insecure and looking for affirmation from people who are their friends and don't want to offend them by disagreeing. So what then is the purpose. Ditto for posts about religion...

End of rant!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. This was a Facebook status update that I made on July 29 in response to the overwhelming number of status updates that were appearing on my Wall that were people playing with FB survey questions. I never ask friends to keep me as their friends, yet nobody has dropped me as a result. So, what is the point?
