Then there's the sink hole! Possibilities of sink holes a reality for 40% of the country. Where can we go? What really is the threat? Should we all be concerned? Should 40% of us be concerned? Finally, some TV stars got stuck for an hour on an elevator. Oh my god!
Walter Cronkite and Edward R. Murrow must be turning over in their graves. They may even be glad to be dead – given that journalists can no longer sell news stories of any depth. When is the last time that anyone has felt compelled to read their local newspaper? Watched their local TV news?
Does anyone believe all the nonsense that comes out of Washington, D.C. these days? I don't think so. We watch or read the news in utter disbelief and frustration. Have our elected officials learned to play the media as well as all this? I don't think so. No, the media tries so hard to sell advertising that they create stories and hype for whatever they may. Then they harp on it over and over with redundant commentary that could drive us all nuts. The only compelling thing about the news is the level of stupidity that we are all subjected to.
The amazing thing about all this is that higher education has become the right of all. So, we should all have the analytic skill to reject the baloney that we are presented with daily. We have the internet and access to information of all kinds. The threat of "information overload" is real as we try to figure out how best to use all the technological advances we are confronted with. Yet, we have become apathetic regarding the effort that is required to delve into the facts of the matter – whatever that is.
Oh yes, thank you for your lack of analytic skill and apathy – without this, you probably would not have read this.